
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2023 )

( 2020 )

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( 2018 )


匹配条件: “ Tamiris Seerig” ,找到相关结果约21条。
Potential for Use of Iron Mining Tailings Calcined in a Flash Furnace as Pozzolanic Material  [PDF]
Evandro Moraes da Gama, Paulo Roberto Gomes Brand?o, Talita Caroline Miranda, Tamiris Seerig, Scott Ferson
Geomaterials (GM) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/gm.2023.133003
Abstract: This paper presents a study of the potential use of iron mining tailings as artificial pozzolan (metakaolin) after their submission to thermal treatment via calcination in a flash furnace. The research consists of the characterization of the tailings before and after calcination, chemical, mineralogical, thermogravimetric, and mechanical strength analyses were conducted. The results were compared with those for commonly used pozzolans, metakaolin, and similarities were identified. The study of the morphology of the particles before and after calcination was conducted through analyses of images obtained by scanning electronic microscope. The pozzolanic activity of the fine mining tailings calcined with flash technology was evaluated in uniaxial compression trials, which showed excellent results.
Picha o + arte + educa o: outros olhares
Tamiris Vaz
Revista Digital do LAV , 2013, DOI: 10.5902/19837348
Abstract: Neste artigo é abordado o conceito de picha o em experiências realizadas com adolescentes em uma escola pública de Santa Maria, RS. Ao entender a picha o a partir de características conceituais independentes dos preconceitos que a op em ao grafite, ela pode dizer respeito às interven es imprevistas que alteram o uso dado aos espa os, tirando o foco das verdades absolutas e se detendo em acontecimentos vividos. O objetivo dessa experiência foi problematizar as possibilidades de reinven o dos lugares cotidianos, considerando as constru es sociais que envolvem os sentidos dados a eles, o que resultou em a es, através da arte, onde os estudantes se envolveram em produ es abertas às imprevisibilidades do contato com outras pessoas.
Occupational Therapy in the hospital context: an outline of the profession in general and specialized hospitals in Salvador, Bahia State
Flora Borges,Tamiris Freitas Leonia,Isa Coutino
Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional , 2012,
Abstract: The aim of this research is to describe the acting areas of Occupational Therapy in the hospital contextof the General and Specialized Hospitals in Salvador, State of Bahia. The specific objectives are to identify theprocedures performed by the occupational therapist and know the profile of this professional in this context.Itis a transversal descriptive study of quantitative approach carried out between March and November 2010. Thesample consists of 23 occupational therapists (2 men and 21 women), 67.5% of all area professionals workingin hospitals in Salvador. A questionnaire with 19 questions previously elaborated for this research was used asdata collection instrument. The questions focused on three categories: identification of therapists; acting areasand procedures performed; and Occupational Therapy and multidisciplinary work. Results showed that 95.2% ofthe professionals who work in the city’s hospitals are women graduated at the State Medicine and Public Health School (“Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública”). Regarding the Life Cycles, nine of the occupationaltherapists (39.1%) work with more than 1 cycle. Evaluations and guidelines were the most used procedures.Concerning multidisciplinary work, more than half (56.5%) responded that working together with otherprofessionals is very important to their practice, as well as to their patients’ recovery. The specific areas wherethere is predominance of occupational therapists are pediatrics, intensive care and burn units. It was possible toconclude that the practice of O.T. in this context is under expansion. The amount of professionals working inhospitals in the State of Bahia is still very small in comparison to other states. There is need for a more detaileddescription involving all possible areas of performance and the procedures realized by Occupational Therapyin the hospitals of the State of Bahia.
Tamiris Filipavicius Camacho,Marcelo Teixeira Cesar de Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo , 2011,
Abstract: O Mosaico de Unidades de Conserva o (UC) Juréia-Itatins é formado por quatro UCs de prote o integral: Esta o Ecológica Juréia-Itatins (EEJI), Parque Estadual Itingu u (PEIT), do Prelado (PEP) e Refúgio de Vida Silvestre (RVS), além de duas UCs de uso sustentável: Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Barra do Una (RDSBU) e do Despraiado (RDSD). Com mais de 110 mil ha está situado na litoral sul do Estado de S o Paulo, nos municípios de Iguape, Itariri, Miracatu, Pedro de Toledo e Peruíbe. Apresenta os seguintes biomas: brejos, lagunas, dunas, restingas arbóreas, arbustivas e herbáceas, manguezais e Mata Atlantica. A área escolhida para o estudo foi o Parque Estadual do Itingu u, localizado em Peruíbe, S o Paulo, possuindo aproximadamente 8.400 ha e localizada nas coordenadas 24° 18' a 24° 37' S e 47° 00' a 47° 31' W. O PEIT é dividido em dois núcleos: o Núcleo Itingu u, que é a unidade de conserva o constituinte do mosaico que mais recebe a visita o pública, e o Núcleo do Arpoador, aberto apenas para visitas com cunho educativo ou para pesquisas científicas. O trabalho objetivou avaliar, de forma preliminar, a infra-estrutura para uso público, suas condi es e adequa o, e a qualidade das atividades realizadas com os visitantes. O trabalho foi realizado no segundo semestre de 2008 e o registro da visita diagnóstica foi elaborado através do levantamento por imagens fotográficas e anota es de campo com os relatos de funcionários do parque e moradores locais. A pesquisa foi complementada através de leitura de livros, periódicos, documentos e da legisla o, além de outras informa es obtidas pela internet. Verificou-se que o acesso ao Parque Estadual do Itingu u é fácil pela Estrada do Guaraú. Chega-se a regi o através da Rodovia Pedro Taques (SP-55) e pelas Rodovias Regis Bittencourt (BR-160) e Rodovia Prefeito Cassimiro Teixeira (SP-222). Nas instala es administrativas encontram-se: um pequeno auditório que com capacidade para aproximadamente 30 pessoas com equipamentos de multimídia, além de laboratório, loja de artesanato e área reservada para museu. Na área do Parque encontra-se estacionamento para visitantes, cestos de coleta seletiva, quiosques para alimenta o, vários sanitários (masculino, feminino e para pessoas com deficiência) com rampas de acesso para portadoras de deficiência. Os visitantes n o necessitam de autoriza o para circular na área, exceto grupos que excedam a capacidade de 20 pessoas (excurs es organizadas) que é exigido o acompanhamento de um monitor ambiental cadastrado na PEIT. Os percursos de trilhas abertos ao públi
Bullous pemphigoid associated with ischemic cerebrovascular accident and dementia: Exclusive blistering lesions on the upper hemiparetic limb
Cruz, Fernanda,Hashimoto, Takashi,Ishii, Norito,Julio, Tamiris,Maria Roselino, Ana,Vernal, Sebastian
- , 2018,
Abstract: Sa?eta
Molecular Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi SAP Proteins with Host-Cell Lysosome Exocytosis-Inducing Activity Required for Parasite Invasion
Tamiris Zanforlin, Ethel Bayer-Santos, Cristian Cortez, Igor C. Almeida, Nobuko Yoshida, José Franco da Silveira
PLOS ONE , 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083864
Abstract: Background To invade target cells, Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic forms engage distinct sets of surface and secreted molecules that interact with host components. Serine-, alanine-, and proline-rich proteins (SAP) comprise a multigene family constituted of molecules with a high serine, alanine and proline residue content. SAP proteins have a central domain (SAP-CD) responsible for interaction with and invasion of mammalian cells by metacyclic forms. Methods and Findings Using a 513 bp sequence from SAP-CD in blastn analysis, we identified 39 full-length SAP genes in the genome of T. cruzi. Although most of these genes were mapped in the T. cruzi in silico chromosome TcChr41, several SAP sequences were spread out across the genome. The level of SAP transcripts was twice as high in metacyclic forms as in epimastigotes. Monoclonal (MAb-SAP) and polyclonal (anti-SAP) antibodies produced against the recombinant protein SAP-CD were used to investigate the expression and localization of SAP proteins. MAb-SAP reacted with a 55 kDa SAP protein released by epimastigotes and metacyclic forms and with distinct sets of SAP variants expressed in amastigotes and tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes (TCTs). Anti-SAP antibodies reacted with components located in the anterior region of epimastigotes and between the nucleus and the kinetoplast in metacyclic trypomastigotes. In contrast, anti-SAP recognized surface components of amastigotes and TCTs, suggesting that SAP proteins are directed to different cellular compartments. Ten SAP peptides were identified by mass spectrometry in vesicle and soluble-protein fractions obtained from parasite conditioned medium. Using overlapping sequences from SAP-CD, we identified a 54-aa peptide (SAP-CE) that was able to induce host-cell lysosome exocytosis and inhibit parasite internalization by 52%. Conclusions This study provides novel information about the genomic organization, expression and cellular localization of SAP proteins and proposes a triggering role for extracellular SAP proteins in host-cell lysosome exocytosis during metacyclic internalization.
Evaluation of Stiffness in Compression Perpendicular to Grain of Brazilian Tropical Wood Species
André Luis Christoforo,Andréa de Souza Almeida,Francisco Antonio Rocco Lahr,Juliana Argente Caetano,Tamiris Luiza Soares Lanini
- , 2018, DOI: 10.9734/CJAST/2018/42945
Abstract: Editor(s):
Resposta biológica de ratos alimentados com resíduo da fermenta??o de batata (Solanumtuberosum L.)
Patias, Luciana Dapieve;Penna, Neidi Garcia;Hecktheuer, Luisa Helena Rychecki;Callegaro, Maria da Gra?a Kolinski;Poitevin, Fábia Silveira;Seerig, Sibele Ribas Mendes;Comarella, Carine Gláucia;Unfer, Taís Cristina;
Ciência Rural , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-84782011005000082
Abstract: the present research had the objectives of determining the in natura potato tuber centesimal composition in the distilling process in order to produce ethanol and to verify the solid residues resulting from this tuber fermentation process. based on the residue composition, it was evaluated the effect of its use in the substitution of different dietary fiber content of a standard diet observing the rats biological response to this diet. in order to evaluate the biological effect, 32 wistar rats were used divided into four groups. one group was given the standard diet for growing rats, according to recommendations of the american institute of nutrition (ain-93), and the other three groups were given this diet substituting 25, 50 or 100% of residue by dietary fiber. throughout the experimental period (23 days), consumption, weight gain, food efficiency ratio (fer), dry and moist feces production, ph and nitrogen fecal excretion were evaluated. at the end of the experiment, liver and epididimal fat weights, triglycerides, total cholesterol, hdl cholesterol and total protein levels were evaluated. the residue presented centesimal composition of 8.2% protein, 16.7% of dietary fiber, 62.8% of carbohydrates and 288 kcal. the results obtained in the biological assay suggest that the solid residue resulting from potato tuber fermentation can be employed as a source of nutrients having as basis the exchange of fiber fraction of an ain-93 standard diet without endangering rats' growth and the analyzed biochemical parameters.
Bilateral Peritonsillar Abscess in an Infant: An Unusual Presentation of Sore Throat
Andre Souza de Albuquerque Maranh?o,Daniel Buffon Zatt,Janaina Jacques,Letícia Chueiri,Maria Fernanda Piccoli Cardoso de Mello,Mariana Manzoni Seerig,Martin Batista Coutinho da Silva,Rosana Cristine Otero Cunha
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1155/2017/4670152
Constituintes químicos fixos e voláteis dos talos e frutos de Piper tuberculatum Jacq. e das raízes de P. hispidum H. B. K.
Facundo, Valdir Alves;Pollli, Aline Roberta;Rodrigues, Rosely Valéria;Milit?o, Júlio S. L Teixeira;Stabelli, Rodrigo Guerino;Cardoso, Cosuelo Tamiris;
Acta Amazonica , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0044-59672008000400018
Abstract: the essential oils of the fruits and fine stems of piper tuberculatum and of the roots of p. hispidum, collected in the state of rond?nia, had been gotten by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gc and gc-ms. caryophyllene oxide - 32,1% in fruits and 26,6% in fine stem, and (e)-caryophyllene - 17,7% in fruits and 12,3% in fine stems, were identified as the major constituents in such parts of p. tuberculatum. in the essential oil of the roots of p. hispidum, dillapiol (57,5%), elemicine (24,5%) and apiole (10,2%) were identified as the most abundant constituents. from the ethanolic extract of the fruits of p. tuberculatum, the steroids β-sitosterol and stigmasterol, the amides piplartine and dihidropiplartine and the derivative of the cinamico acid 3,4,5-trimethoxy-dihidrocinamic acid were isolated.

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